A comparison of Morphology, Pathogenicity and Restriction Fragment Patterns of Mitochondrial DNA Among Isolates of Phytophthora porri Foister.


Thirteen strains ofPhytophthora porri from five different hosts were compared with respect to their morphology, cardinal temperatures for growth, pathogenicity to leek and cabbage and restriction fragment patterns of mitochondrial DNA. Morphology of vegetative growth was rather similar in most isolates. Those characters which differed among isolates showed overlapping variability and could not be used to distinguish groups, with the exception of production of oogonia and sporangia and the antheridium type. Considerable differences were found in restriction patterns of mitochondrial DNA, isolates from the same host mostly showing identical patterns. Isolates from differentAllium species showed relatively similar restriction patterns if compared to the other isolates. Isolates fromBrassica oleracea proved to be a homogeneous group, quite different from the others with respect to restriction patterns, production of sporangia, production of oogonia, antheridium type and pathogenicity. One isolate, CBS 366.59, isolated from and pathogenic toA. porrum, deviated in many characters from the other isolates. It showed the restriction patterns ofPhytophthora nicotianae and also the high cardinal temperatures for growth typical for this species. The sporangia, however, were distinctly non-papillate and the majority of antheridia was of the paragynous type

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