
Influence of the layer morphology on the electrical properties of sol-gel transparent conducting oxide coatings


Tranparent conducting coatings have been prepared by sol gel methods either by a conventional sol-gel process (Antimony doped Tin Oxide - ATO, Aluminium doped Zinc Oxide - AZO) or a new wet chemical process using fully dispersed crystalline nanoparticles (ATO, Indium Tin Oxide - ITO). The dip coating technique has been used as deposition technique with single coating thickness varying from a few nanometer to ca. 400 nm. The layers have been fired in a furnace. Structural properties have been determined by x-ray diffraction and TEM analysis and the electrical properties by the van der Pauw/Hall measurement. Three different coating procedures have been used to investigate the effect on the structure, morphology and the electrical properties of the coatings. It is shown that the individual layer thickness in multilayer coatings influences dramatically the mentioned properties. Very thin individual layers favour a heterogeneous nucleation with dense columnar growth of the crystallites leading to low electrical resistivity (Ω ≈ 10 -³ Ω cm), while thick individual layers result in a porous morphology made of small crystallites leading to resistivities in the 10≈2 Ω cm range

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