Emotional intelligence, need for cognition and cognitive reflective ability related to attitudes towards a further training program among preschool staff


There are currently scarce research regarding further training programs and employees’ attitudes toward them. This present work examined 95 preschool employees from one municipal community in matters of emotional intelligence, need for cognition, and cognitive reflective ability and how these influenced their attitudes toward a further training program called International Child Development Programme, ICDP (study 1). Six participants were also interviewed in regards to more organizational aspects of the ICDP-training and their experiences of the program’s implementation in the actual worksituation (study 2). The results of study 1 showed a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and attitudes toward the program. Study 2 revealed lack of follow-ups and sustainability of the program in the real-life work-situation. Suggestions for countering these flaws as well as a more individually focused approach in embracing, applying and maintaining the teachings of a further training program are discussed.

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