Resultater fra en spørgeskemaundersøgelse med frivillige hjælpere ved Europæiske Kortbane Mesterskaber i svømning i Herning 2013


This study is part of a larger project: the Event Based Innovation Project (EVINN). The project is funded by the EU. The study is part of the project "Event Organisation". The goal is to optimize the organization of sports events. The project is a collaboration between researchers from the University of Gothenburg, Oslo Idrettshojskole (NIH), Aarhus University and the University of Southern Denmark. In each country the volunteers' experiences were examined at a width event and an elite event.The results from this study will be compared with results from Gothenburg Varget 2013 and a similar race in Norway, as well as results from three elite events respectively: Norway, Sweden and Denmark. In Denmark volunteers involved in the organization of Aarhus City Half Marathon 9th. June 2013 were also examined. In the longer term, the study results lead to one or more peer-reviewed articles and a handbook. The results can be beneficial to the organizers of the EAM in swimming (Herning Municipality, Sport Event Denmark and the Danish Swimming Federation) and others who organize similar major events that requires many volunteers

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