
Perceptions of Centering Pregnancy at Jefferson’s Maternal Addiction Treatment, Education & Research (MATER) Program


Introduction: Opioid use and misuse, including during pregnancy, is prevalent across the United States. Many women with opioid use disorder (OUD) face multiple barriers to care, including prenatal care. Group prenatal care, as compared to individual prenatal care, may lead to beneficial outcomes such as reduced odds of preterm birth. Objective: This study aimed to assess the perceptions of Centering Pregnancy (CP), a group prenatal care program, among women in treatment for OUD. Methods: The target population included women who participated in the CP program at MATER. Participants (N=6) completed a survey after the last CP session. Survey questions assessed strengths and weaknesses of the program, as perceived by the participants. Likert scale responses were assigned a numerical value and analyzed individually and by theme (ex. knowledge, support, preparation). Results: Preliminary data suggests that the program was very well received, with mean and median responses being greater than 4 for each question and theme group, indicating high satisfaction with the program. All participants said they would recommend the program. Most participants provided constructive suggestions to improve the program, often expressing a desire for more information to prepare them for delivery. Conclusion: Group prenatal care classes are a promising alternative to traditional individual prenatal care, especially in populations who face barriers to healthcare such as women with OUD. Among this population of women in treatment for OUD, the CP program was well received, suggesting this may be an effective way to connect women being treated for OUD with helpful prenatal care

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