

Occurrence patterns of konoshiro gizzard shad Konosirus punctatus larvae and juveniles were examined in Tokyo Bay by monthly samplings using the following two types of gear: a small seine net towed at three tidal flats in the inner bay from June 2006 to August 2008 and at three surf zones in the outer bay from April 1998 to March 1999 except July 1998; and a ring net towed at five sites in offshore waters of the outer bay from April 1996 to March 1997 except August 1996. Their ontogenetic intervals were also determined by the development of swimming- and feeding-related characters based on 129 cleared and stained specimens of 3.6-25.1 mm in body length, BL. In the outer Tokyo Bay, specimens collected from offshore waters were 1,114 individuals ranging from 3.0 to 7.2 mm BL, while those from surf zones being 4,991 ranging from 7.8 to 34.1 mm BL. Specimens collected from the tidal flats of inner Tokyo Bay was 1,800 individuals ranging from 5.2 to 18.3 mm BL. Four developmental phases were detected on both the swimming and feeding functions. Spawning grounds of K. punctatus are suggested to be formed in offshore waters, lower reaches of rivers and a brackish lagoon of the inner Tokyo Bay as well as offshore waters of outer Tokyo Bay. The surf zones and tidal flats of Tokyo Bay were clarified to be a nursery ground for K. punctatus larvae/juveniles. However, the larval body size when the number of individuals starts decreasing was different between the tidal flats, > ca. 10 mm BL and the surf zone, > ca. 18 mm BL. Based on the developmental phases, K. punctatus larvae/juveniles would acquire the functional, juvenile swimming and feeding abilities at about 18 mm BL, and thus the decrease in the surf zones are considered to be an active behaviour to shift their habitats for more adequate growth. However in the tidal flats of inner bay, the decrease in number is not accounted by habitat shifts but supposed to be caused by such other factors as the water quality, extent of tidal flats and/or any other unknown causes.東京湾外湾の沖合5地点(稚魚ネット:1996年4月~1997年3月)と砕波帯3地点(地曳網:1998年4月~1999年3月)および内湾の干潟域3地点(地曳網:2006年6月~2008年8月)で採集したコノシロの仔稚魚について、その出現状況を明らかにした。さらに129個体(体長3.6~25.1mm)を透明骨格標本にし、遊泳・摂餌機能に関する形質の発達を観察した。外湾の沖合では1,114個体(体長3.0~7.2mm)が、砕波帯では4,991個体(7.8~34.1mm)が、さらに内湾の干潟域では1,800個体(5.2~18.3mm)が出現した。関連形質の発達に基づいて、遊泳・摂餌機能別の発育段階をそれぞれ4段階設定した。産卵場は外湾の沖合だけではなく、内湾の沖合や河川下流域、あるいは汽水の潟湖などに形成されることが示唆された。外湾の砕波帯と内湾の干潟域はコノシロ仔稚魚の成育場であるが、採集された個体数は干潟域では体長10mm以上、砕波帯では18mm以上になると減少しはじめた。体長18mmで稚魚としての遊泳・摂餌能力が獲得されるため、砕波帯での個体数の減少は、より良い成長をするために積極的な生息場の移動をおこなった結果だと考えられた。しかし内湾の干潟域における個体数の減少は、生息場の移動では説明できないため、水質や干潟域の規模、あるいは何らかの他の要因に起因すると推定された。David E. ANGMALISANG(Corresponding author), Hitoshi IMAI and Hiroshi KOHNO: Laboratory of Ichthyology, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT)デイビッド E. アンマリサン・今井仁・河野 博: 東京海洋大学魚類学研究室Hitoshi IMAI: Present address: Japan Wildlife Research Center今井仁: 一般財団法人 自然環境研究センターHiroshi KOHNO: Department of Ocean Sciences, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT)河野博: 東京海洋大学学術研究院海洋環境科学部

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