
A study on Growing of Ice Crystal after Breaking of Super Cooling Condition by Numerical Simulations and MRI Measurements


Numerical simulations and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements have been carried out for a better understanding of the behavior in ice crystal growing after breaking of super cooling condition in aqueous solutions. The numerical simulations showed that a fast cooling from outside caused ice nucleation from the outer edge and the expansion of bulky ice crystal, on the other hand, a slow cooling showed ice nucleation from inside and expansion of fibrous ice crystal.Temperature measurements and MRI measurements for a phantom test sample with cylindrical double layer structure showed that frisky ice crystals were outbreak throughout the outer layer inducing the temperature increase up to 0 degree after the breaking of super cooling condition and the inner layer stayed as a liquid at the lower temperature, and after that, bulk ice crystals were expanded from the surface of the inner part in outer layer causing the increase of temperature of inner part.Original: Trans. JSRAE, Vol.33, No.3, pp.261-266,(2016), "数値シミュレーションとMRI測定による過冷却解消後の氷結晶の成長に関する考察",

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