
Effective application of statistical process control (SPC) on the lengthwise tonsure rolled plates process


This paper deals with the eff ective application of SPC on the lengthwise tonsure rolled plates process on double side scissors. After explanation of the SPC fundamentals, goals and mistakes during the SPC implementation, the methodical framework for the eff ective SPC application is defi ned. In the next part of the paper the description of practical application of SPC and its analysis from the point of view of this framework is accomplished.Ovaj članak opisuje djelotvornu primjenu SKP na proces rezanja uzdužno namotanih limova na škarama s dvostrukom oštricom. Nakon objašnjenja osnova SKP, ciljeva i grešaka kod primjene SKP, metodski okvir za efektivnu primjenu SKP je defi niran. Sljedi opis praktične primjene SKP i njegove analiza sa stajališta da je opisani okvir primjene kompletan.Web of Science51114013

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