
ブンベン タチアイ ジッシュウ ニ オケル ガクセイ ノ タイケン ト シドウ ノ アリカタ


本研究の目的は、分娩立ち会い実習における学生の体験の意味を明らかにし、指導のあり方を検討することである。母性看護学実習において分娩立ち会い実習を行った学生19名を対象にレポートの内容を質的に分析した。学生が感じたことについて自由記載したレポートから、学生の感情に焦点をあて体験をプロセスとしてまとめ、段階を構成した。その結果、学生が援助者として産婦にとってどういう存在であるか問い、意味づけるプロセスが見出された。分娩立ち会い実習における学生の体験のプロセスは、「産婦の援助者になれるかと自問しながらできる限りのことをする決意に至る」「産婦にとっての看護援助を行えているかと自問しながら無我夢中でできることを行う」「いのちの尊さを体感/いのちの誕生の場に存在した人々との一体感」「産婦の援助者になれたという確かな実感」の4段階から成っていた。そして、学生への指導のあり方として、ことが必要と考えられた。This study was performed to clarify student experiences while being present during child delivery and to examine and enhance the teaching and learning of maternal nursing. Nineteen students who were in the delivery room during maternal nursing practice submitted written reports after practice. A qualitative analysis of the reports indicated that students followed a process of asking about being potential child-labor assistants and their ability of finding meaning in such an experience. Their thinking processes consisted of four stages: making a decision to try their best after asking if they could assist; performing whatever they could while asking if they were providing good nursing care for the woman in labor; realizing the value of life and experiences with others present at the delivery; and realizing the ability to assist a woman in labor. The findings suggest that it is necessary for the teacher to reduce student tension and put more importance on their interest in the woman in labor; to help the student find an opportunity to build nurse-patient relationships; to work together to assess the patient\u27 s health care needs; to assist the student to provide care through the five senses; to induce meaning from the care given to the patient and the outcome; to assist the student to express their feelings; and, to assist the student to receive feedback from the patient after delivery

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