
Session 1-4-B: Gambling and Marijuana Use in the Netherlands: Is Legalization the Best Tool for Dealing With Naughty Habits?


In 1976, the Netherlands embraced two policy initiatives which encompassed similar objectives. The policies sought to control “undesired substances” via the process of legalization. One legalization process involved casino gambling. The policies have sometimes led to desired results (the right road), while at other times they have led to undesirable results (the wrong road). Now in 2013, without an observable crossroad or even fork in the road, The Netherlands is poised to deviate from a right road to travel down a wrong road by placing rather severe restrictions upon the operations of “Coffee Houses” which have been “serving” customers measured amounts of cannabis. This paper examines the experiences with the policies over the past 36 years, and speculates upon the effects of the new policies for the “Coffee Houses.” We ask if what is happening is “kinda” like an old Crystal Gayle song from the 1970s: “Down that Wrong Road Again”

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