
Experiencing the Early Loss of a Baby: An Experience Design Approach to Understand the Conditions for Future Change


This study uses an experience design approach to take a critical look at a complex psychosocial challenge in the healthcare system: supporting parents, who have suffered a perinatal loss, through their entire recovery. Perinatal loss violates innate expectations of nurturing new life, making it deeply impactful and disturbing when an unanticipated death occurs. Consequently, this study takes an in-­‐depth look at this experience, through the auto-­‐ethnographic account of a parent, using context modeling to analyze the experience of living through a perinatal loss, which will highlight gaps in formal and informal supports. It then uses the results of a literature review and expert interviews to correlate auto-­‐ethnographic data with existing knowledge to corroborate findings, identify gaps, and highlight opportunities for future changes

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