
Medication Assisted Treatment in the Primary Care Setting: A Prospective Review


Introduction: Project HOME Health Services (PHHS) initiated a Medication Assisted Treatment program for Opioid Use Disorder in a primary care setting that is the first of its kind in the city of Philadelphia. This study assesses the MAT program by evaluating the Quality of Life (QoL) of the participants as well as their perception of the program. Objective: The purpose of this study is to assess the QoL of the participants in the MAT program at PHHS and to evaluate the participants’ satisfaction with the program. Methods: The population includes patients enrolled in the MAT program at PHHS who consented to complete a survey. Participants completed the WHOQOL-BREF and the Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program (MHSIP) surveys. Scores for the four QoL domains were calculated. Results: Participants in the MAT program have lower QoL scores in all four domains than the general population. Most participants were satisfied with the program. The large group sizes and the identification of participants in public waiting areas are two examples of what participants liked the least. Conclusion: The QoL of individuals in this MAT program is lower than that of the generation population. While there was overall satisfied with the program, specific areas of improvement should be and have been addressed. The survey responses have allowed the staff to make necessary changes that directly impact the participants. This study will be continued to assess for other potential improvements to the MAT program, which could directly benefit its participants

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