
Primary Care Patient Experience in Pneumonia Patient and the Effects of Readmissions


Patient primary care experience is an essential component of patient care. Research has consistently demonstrated that patient experience correlates with clinical processes of care for prevention and disease management and with better health outcomes. Patients who are admitted to the hospital face numerous challenges upon discharge, including high readmission rates. In fact, one-fifth of Medicare patients admitted to the hospital will be readmitted within 30 days of discharge. With the Affordable Care Act’s creation of the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program (HRRP), hospitals are now penalized for excess readmission rates for common admitting diagnoses such as pneumonia. The purpose of this study was to examine how patients’ baseline primary care experiences relate to the likelihood of readmission. Patients diagnosed with pneumonia were identified during their initial hospitalization and administered the CG-CAHPS 3.0 and Supplementary CAHPS PCMH. The results of these surveys were compared between readmitted and non-readmitted patients. Also, the differences between the primary care experiences of the pneumonia patient cohort and patients at the hospital system’s primary care sites were examined. Results showed that 5 patients out of the 33 patients surveyed were readmitted with non-pneumonia related causes. Patients across 18 primary care sites report higher levels of satisfaction with their PCP (88.7%) compared to patients hospitalized for Pneumonia (66.7%; X2 =14.9,

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