
精神障害者社会復帰施設における精神看護実習の学びの分析 : 地域看護学実習展開の可能性の検討


本研究の目的は、看護学生の精神障害者社会復帰施設実習での学びを分析し、そこでの地域看護学実習の展開の可能性を明らかにすることである。看護学生の精神障害者社会復帰施設実習での学びを示す文脈を実習後レポートから抽出し、KJ法により質的に分析した。その結果、学生は支援に必要な対象者・集団の捉え方や自立的な問題解決への支援の必要性、連携に必要不可欠な他職種・他機関の役割・機能、さらには、地域支援における地区組織活動や政策化への提言の必要性についても学んでいた。社会復帰施設での地域看護学実習が保健師教育において有意義であることが示唆された。The purpose of this study was to clarify the learning outcomes of psychiatric nursing practicums in residential care facilities for rehabilitation of the mentally handicapped, and to examine possibilities and problems of community nursing work placement. Post-practicum, self-reported learning outcomes of nursing students were analyzed qualitatively by the KJ-method, revealing that students came to understand the need for interacting with clients in compassionate and encouraging ways and for providing support that enables clients to resolve problems on their own. They also gained an understanding of the essential roles and functions of both specialists and facilities from related fields and an appreciation of the need for cooperation. Additionally, nursing students learned of the need for systematization and policy-making in community care. This suggests that community nursing practicums in residential care facilities for rehabilitation of thementally handicapped have significant benefits for the education of community health nurses

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