A Study of the Demographic Factor on the Risk of Breast Cancer


[[abstract]]台灣地區2005年的乳癌發生率逐漸升高,發生率佔女性癌症的第一位,好發年齡亦逐漸年輕化中,這種趨勢對婦女健康已形成重大威脅。過去在探討乳癌相關因子之研究中,會面臨一些方法學上的議題,如研究前婦女已知罹患乳癌而產生之研究誤差。本研究探討乳癌發生之相關人口學因子,採前瞻性研究設計,以某醫學中心門診為研究場所,接受乳房攝影篩檢前之婦女為研究對象,以乳癌相關因子之人口學屬性量表為工具,進行獨立t檢定、卡方檢定、及粗危險勝算比之統計分析。共收集1160份乳房攝影篩檢者問卷,結果發現罹患乳癌婦女之年齡層較國外低,教育程度與乳瘤風險有相關性,其餘因子尚無顯著相關。故建議未來研究應加大樣本數,且醫護人員宜加強重視婦女乳瘤防治之教育與資訊,尤其是對於教育程度較低的婦女族群,以降低可能發生乳癌之風險。 The occurrence of breast cancer in the women in Taiwan has significant increase since 2005. The age of onset of disease is younger than in the past and becomes a significant threat to women's health. This study aimed to probe the correlation between the demographic characteristics and breast cancer development. A cross-sectional, prospective study design was adopted. Women who were scheduled for mammography screening at the clinic of a medical center in Taiwan were included. Data related to the risk of breast cancer were collected by a structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed with independent t-test, Chi-square test, and crude odds ratio. A total of 1,160 samples were completed our survey. The mean age of the onset of breast cancer was lower than that in other countries, and the educational level was closely associated with the incidence of breast cancer. Based on the finding, the recommendations included reinforcement of education on breast cancer prevention and provision of breast cancer-related information, especially those women with lower educational background

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