愛滋感染者的污名與靈性照顧HIV Stigma and Spiritual Care in People Living With HIV


[[abstract]]1997年台灣免費給予愛滋感染者高效能抗愛滋病毒治療之後,感染愛滋病毒已是一種慢性病,由於感染愛滋病毒與行為相關,愛滋病毒感染者大多以負面形象呈現,承受多重刻板印象及愛滋污名。內化的愛滋污名影響感染者的靈性健康,包含羞愧、自我責備、害怕病情公開、影響感染者與他人關係的建立,降低感染者自我價值感及對於天、人、物、我間的和諧關係。護理專業需提供愛滋感染者全人的照護,使其生命價值能達到身、心、靈的和諧,本篇文章介紹愛滋污名,愛滋污名引發的歧視如何影響愛滋感染者的靈性健康,去除愛滋污名提升愛滋感染者靈性健康,讓台灣能儘早達成聯合國愛滋病署2030年對全球愛滋病防治零歧視、零感染、零死亡的三零的願景。 HIV infection has been a manageable and chronic illness in Taiwan since the highly active antiretroviral therapy was introduced in 1997. HIV infection is a stigmatized disease due to its perceived association with risky behaviors. HIV often carries a negative image, and people living with HIV(PLWH) face discrimination on multiple fronts. Internalized HIV stigma impacts the spiritual health of people living with HIV in terms of increased levels of shame, self-blame, fear of disclosing HIV status, and isolation and decreased value and connections with God, others, the environment, and the self. Nursing professionals provide holistic care for all people living with HIV and value their lives in order to achieve the harmony of body, mind, and spirit. This article describes the stigma that is currently associated with HIV and how stigma-related discrimination affects the spiritual health of PLWH and then proposes how to reduce discrimination and stigma in order to improve the spiritual health of PLWH through appropriate spiritual care. Reducing HIV stigma and promoting spiritual well-being will enable Taiwan to achieve the 'Three Zeros' of zero discrimination, zero infection, and zero death advocated by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS for ending the AIDS epidemic in 2030

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