Farm land and debt situation in Iowa, 1935


Corporate-owned land amounted on January 1, 1935, to 10.1 percent of the 34 million acres of farm land in Iowa. Insurance companies hold over half the corporate-owned land, with deposit banks the second largest holder. Centers of concentration are in the south-central, north-central and a small area in the western part of the state. The Iowa farm mortgage debt was reduced by 74,000,000during1934,andnowtotals74,000,000 during 1934, and now totals 924,000,000, of which 40 percent is held by insurance companies, 26 percent by the Farm Credit Administration and 12 percent by banks The debt per acre was 63atthecloseof1934ascomparedwith63 at the close of 1934 as compared with 66 in 1933. Since 1933 there has been a reduction of 2 percent in farm land mortgaged. (Forty-three percent is now mortgaged.

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