The Iowa Homemaker vol.41, no.5


Letter to the Editor, page 5 What Do YOU Know About the World Situation?, page 5 Foods from Faculty Files, Diane Sharbo, page 6 Creating the Air of Christmas, Ann Sindt, page 8 Study Buddies, Barb Strang, page 9 Mat, Motifs, Mailboxes, Made of Felt, Sharon Sherman, page 10 Are Co-ops for ISU?, Judy Godden, page 11 Home Economics Council Claims National Officer, Mary Ellen Muckenhirn, page 12 Hear Now the Bells, Sweet, Silver Bells, Marsha Barron, page 13 Gay Gifts Inside and Out, Jan Wheeler, page 14 Phi Upsilon Omicron, Joy Reese, page 16 Alii Nui Provides Last-Minute Gift Idea, Anne Collison, page 17 Poems, Jan Wheeler, page 1

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