Diabetes Care and the College Student


The focus of this project was to understand diabetes care as it relates to college students. Diabetes is a disease that affects a person’s daily life in immense ways and can lead to serious complications if not managed properly. College can be a difficult period of transition for students as they encounter new experiences and develop new routines. It is the first time in many individuals’ lives that they are learning how to live independently, away from their comfortable support systems. Being in a new environment is challenging, and it is especially notable as to how it can affect a person’s health. In this project, a survey was sent to college students regarding different aspect of diabetes care. The overall result was that diabetes is an individualized disease, which can cause each student to be struggling with something different related to diabetes care. There are both challenges and rewards to having diabetes. To promote health, students should be aware of all the resources and support available for them. This Honors Project resulted in the creation of a pamphlet that encompasses all the resources available that address the numerous challenges of dealing with diabetes and college life, all in one place

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