The Iowa Homemaker vol.32, no.3


Introducing Dr. Helen LeBaron, Jean McGhie, page 7 Make Every Penny Count, Joyce Roos, page 8 Best Years of Your Life, Salli Hearst, page 9 Spare Time Pay Offs, Dorothy Owen, page 10 New Additions – Added Pleasure, Dorothy Will, page 14 If Statues Could Speak, Marilyn Wachtel, page 15 Happy Living Through Cooperative Living, Mary Grout and Elinor Holmberg, page 16 What’s New, Evelynn Toulouse and Dorothy Will, page 18 Clip and Save Your Fall Quarter Calendar, page 24 Here’s An Idea, page 26 Tradition Dictates, Ruth Anderson, page 28 Trends, Joanne Ryals, page 3

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