The vitality, adulteration and impurities of Clover, Alfalfa and Timothy seed for sale in Iowa in 1906.


Clover and timothy are the most important hay crops grown in Iowa. The census of 1905 gives the area devoted to the growing of red clover in the state as 237,309 acres; of timothy as 3,642,424 acres. These figures do not Include the area devoted to minor clover crops such as alsike and white clover. It may be said, however, that only a small area in the state is devoted to the growing of the former. The white clover crop covers a much larger area than any other of the leguminous plants. It is, however, seldom sown as a forage crop, but it is largely spontaneous in pastures. Borne seasons it is abundant and in others it Constitutes only a small part of the forage in pastures. In addition to its use for this purpose it is sown in lawns as a nurse crop. Alfalfa is cultivated only to a limited extent in Iowa; the area thus devoted is not ascertainable, but is small. The demand for alfalfa seed is continually increasing, largely because of the success attending its cultivation in suitable soils and locations. This success has induced a large number of farmers to try it in an experimental way

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