Growing winter wheat in Iowa


During the last half decade winter wheat has been Iowa’s most profitable grain crop. Taking the average yield per acre and the average price per bushel for the crops of the state, winter wheat has given an average acre return of 16.19,whilethenextbestpayingcrop,corn,hasanaverageofonly16.19, while the next best paying crop, corn, has an average of only 15.46, and the other crops still less. The profit in growing winter wheat in Iowa is well illustrated in table 1 and figure 2, compiled from the reports of the crop and weather service of the Iowa State Department of Agriculture. The table shows the average yield per acre of Iowa’s important cereals and their average farm value December 1, for the five years 1906 to 1910, inclusive. From these figures the average value per acre of these crops has been calculated as shown in the right hand column

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