Farm management surveys in Black Hawk, Grundy and Tama counties, Iowa


The average labor income of 965 farmers in Black Hawk, Grundy and Tama counties in 1913 was 306andthereturnoninvestment4.1percent.Inthesameareatheaveragelaborincomeof210farmersin1918was306 and the return on investment 4.1 percent. In the same area the average labor income of 210 farmers in 1918 was 1,382 and the return on investment 6.3 percent. War prices for farm products were the cause for the larger labor incomes the latter year. Thirty-five percent of the farmers in 1913 and 19.2 percent in 1918 had minus labor incomes; 4.3 percent of the farmers in 1913 and 33.6 percent in 1918 had labor incomes of $2,000 and over

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