
Keeping Up With Today, page 2 Meat – to the Front, Dorothy Ann Roost, page 3 When Defense Workers Eat, Marjorie Beneke, page 4 “Martha Duncan Says to You”, Julie Wendel, page 5 Design for Spring, Trymby Calhoun, page 6 Homemaking on the Test, Katherine Kaufman, page 8 A Textiles Journalist Talks Shop, Ida Halpin, page 9 What’s New in Home Economics, Ruth Vogel, page 10 Dress for Action, Betty Roth, page 12 Army Health Marches On, Marabeth Porter, page 13 Departmental Highlights, Lila Williamson, page 14 Across Alumnae Desks, Mary Ellen Sullivan, page 15 A Book for Home Managers, Helen Pundt, page 16 Alums in the News, Harriet Zook, page 18 Bookmarks, Eileen Dudgeon, page 19 Victory Shipments Advance, Bernadine Nelson, page 2

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