The Iowa Homemaker vol.21, no.1


Fabric Personality, Editor, page 1 The Fate of Textiles, Ann Koebel, page 2 In a War Torn World, Betty Ann Brady, page 3 Sizes Turn to Tapelines, Gertrude Dieken, page 4 Wardrobe with a Plan, page 5 Sally Finds Fashion, Ida Halpin, page 6 Flower Etiquette, Doris Plagge, page 7 Enriched Flour, Clara Gebhard Snyder, page 8 Textiles and Clothing Department, Margaret Read, page 9 What’s New in Home Economics, page 10 Behind Bright Jackets, Marjorie Thomas, page 14 The Homemaker Celebrates, Mrs. Fred E. Ferguson, page 15 Home Economics and Kitty Foyle, Allan Beegle, page 16 Journalistic Spindles, Patricia Craven, page 17 Alums in the News, Bette Simpson, page 1

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