PHENIX upgrade: Novel stripixel detector for heavy quark detection and proton spin structure measurements at RHIC energies


New design of silicon stripixel sensor has been developed at BNL for PHENIX upgrade. The sensor is a single-sided, DC-coupled, two-dimensional position sensitive device with good position resolution. This design is simpler for sensor fabrication and signal processing than the conventional double-sided strip sensor. HPK has produced pre-production stripixel sensors with thickness of 625 μm. The quality assurance tests show that the very low leakage current 0.12 nA per strip allows the use of the SVX4 chip. A long term stability test shows that the leakage current is stable over a long period of time. The study of the effects of irradiation on the performance of the stripixel sensor has been made using p+p collisions at 200 GeV at PHENIX, 14 MeV neutron and 20 MeV proton beams

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