
Keeping Up With Today, Barbara Sgarlata, page 4 Women Score Dating, Julie Wendel, page 5 The Union Feeds the Navy, Betty Ann Iverson, page 6 Glass in Uniform, Dorothy Walker, page 7 Sugar Problem – A Challenge, Anne Koebel, page 8 Enter: Variety in Army Menus, Mary Schmidt, page 10 “Is It All Wool?”, Margaret Anne Clark, page 11 America Conserves Equpment, Bette Simpson, page 12 Morale on a Budget, Pat Hayes, page 14 What’s New in Home Economics, Ruth Vogel, page 16 Bookmarks, Eileen Dudgeon, page 18 Isabelle Bevier - Pioneer, Dorothy Ann Olson, page 20 Alums in the News, Harriet Zook, page 22 Our Part in the War, Virginia Bates, page 23 Iowa Goes “All Out”, Catherine Tidemanson, page 24 Tim Must S-t-r-e-t-c-h, Doris Plagge, page 26 Vanilla Joins Shortage Ranks, Grace Brown, page 28 Her Champion Pie, Pat Galligan, page 29 Across Alumnae Desks, Mary Ellen Sullivan, page 30 Speaking of Veishea, Trymby Calhoun, page 3

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