The Iowa Homemaker vol.16, no.6


Cooperation Transforms Work Into Play by Helen Clark and Charlotte Heffner, page 2 Modernize Your Walls by Virginia Berry, page 3 Take a Hint from Sally by Gaynold Carroll, page 4 Should Women Have Careers? by Josephine Betty, page 6 Many Foods Make Their Debut by Jean Reis and Clare Pell, page 7 What’s New in Home Economics, page 8 The Woman’s Place in Politics by Dorothy Fedderson, page 11 Mrs. Chang Serves a Chinese Dinner by Helen Peg Belken, page 12 Graduates in New Positions by Faithe Danielson, page 13 Extend the Holiday Hilarity by Marie Larson, page 14 Shopping for Hose by Rosalie Ralston, page 15 Hints for the Coed, page 1

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