
Menus for the College Miss by Katherine Hoffman, page 2 Fun to Make Scrapbooks by Alvina Iverson, page 3 A Party to Remember by Beth Cummings, page 4 Dan Cupid Counts His Candles by Jean Reis, page 5 College Coed on Parade by Gaynold Carroll, page 6 Food – I Sing of Thee! By Marie Bernds, page 7 What’s New in Home Economics, page 8 Roomate or Ruffian by Peggy Schenk, page 10 Steps to Follow at a Dance by Josephine Betty, page 11 College and Business Get Together by Josephine Wylie Drips, page 11 Careers and Marriages Beckon Our Grads by Faithe Danielson, page 12 Are Hose and Holes Roommates? by Ruth Kunerth, page 13 Spray It! by Carol Brueck, page 13 Poor Eyesight Creates Modern Art by Bernadine Landsberg, page 14 Behind Bright Jackets, page 15 Don’t Scrub, Carve! by Peggy Schenk, page 16 Furniture of 1937 by Marjorie Pettinger, page 1

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