Research Notes: Study on biological measures of environment and its implications on the physical limits to seed yield and other developmental traits in soybean


Since adaptation of soybean and its dependence on various geographical and climatological factors has been a subject of debate (Byth , 1976 ; Summerfield and Minchin, 1976; Whigham , 1976), therefore, in the present study an attempt has been made to measure the environment biologically and to discuss the same in the light of physical limits of environment. Materials and methods : The experimental material consisted of 40 entries, representing 36 F4-derived lines of an inter-varietal cross , two parents involved in this cross, Pb1 and D60-9647, and two standard varieties, \u27 Lee\u27 and \u27D. S. 73-8\u27. The F4-derived lines were selected out of the 74 progenies, raised and evaluated during Kharif, 1977, for seed yield, specific gravity , and hundred- seed weight

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