
Buffalo\u27s Community Health Centers: Healthcare for People with Low Incomes


Community health centers are non-profit, community-oriented healthcare providers. Generally, they are a subset of Federally Qualified Health Centers, institutions that receive special funding because they provide medical care to underserved populations. They offer preventative and primary healthcare, including physical exams, routine testing and screening, immunizations, dental care, pediatrics, women’s health, prenatal care, and nutritional services. These clinics are open to all, but designed to reach out to underserved populations, especially low-income individuals, racial and ethnic minorities, recent immigrants, and rural populations. The National Association of Community Health Centers estimates that nationally, their clinics provide health services for over 23 million people, and this number is increasing. To give one example from Buffalo, the Jericho Road Family Practice serves more than 30,000 people each year

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