
本研究の目的は、トップレベルの大学空手道選手を男女別に分類し、栄養素等摂取状況、身体的特徴について検討することである。対象はN大学空手道部員22名(男子13名、女子9名)と習慣的な運動を有さない男女大学生27名(男子7名、女子20名)である。空手群はコントロール群に比較して、男女共に body mass index(BMI)と除脂肪量(LBM)が有意に高く、女子群は身長、体重、体脂肪量、腹囲も有意に高かった。適正量に対する栄養素等摂取量の割合は、女子群がビタミン B1、B2 を除いて適正量を満たしておらず、男子群においてはどの項目も満たしていなかった。肉類以外のたんぱく質源(豆類、魚介類、卵類)は、それぞれの目標量を50%も満たしておらず、たんぱく質源の摂取に偏りがみられた。The aim of this study was to examine the nutrient intake and anthropometric characteristics of top-class university karate athletes by gender. The study involved 22 karate athletes(13 men and 9 women)who participated in N university student karate club and 27 university students(7 men and 20 women)without exercise habits. Both men and women in the karate group had a significantly higher body mass index(BMI)and lean body mass(LBM)than those in the control group, and the female athletes had a significantly greater height, body weight, fat mass, and waist circumference than their counterparts. When examined as a percentage of the dietary reference intake(DRI), nutrient intake of the female athletes did not meet the DRIs for all nutrients except for vitamins B1 and B2, while the male athletes failed to achieve the DRIs for all nutrients. These athletes had less than 50% of the target intake of non-meat protein sources(beans, fish/seafood, and eggs), indicating an unbalanced intake of different sources of protein

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