
Merajut Kerukunan Dalam Keragaman Agama Di Indonesia (Perspektif Nilai-nilai Al-quran)


Religious diversity is sunnatullah, something that is given. As well as thediversity in language, culture and the like. It is recognized by al-Quran clearly. Forthat al-Quran has given instructions to his people in addressing religious diversity inform two clear and unequivocal manner. That is the attitude Exclusive (al-inghilaq) inthings that are aqidah (belief) and ‘ubudiah (worship) and inclusive attitude (alinfitah)in the realm of socially interactive. In the applicative level, the teachings ofIslam which is sourced to al-Quran and Sunnah has taught his people how to live sideby side with members of different communities faith. Medina Charter is among thehistorical evidence of how Islam since the beginning wantrealization inter-religiousharmony. In the context on Indonesia, noble values al-Quran can be developed inorder uphold various pillars that need to be agreed together and actualized to buildinter-religious harmony. Among these pillars is to improve the correct tolerance, mutualrespect with full religious attitudes in certain maturity, increased cooperation in mattersof religion become destination together, without having to mutual suspicion andstrengthen the three pillars of state (Pancasila, UUD 45 and Unity in Diversity).Keywords: harmony, religious diversity,Keragaman beragama merupakan sunnatullah, sesuatu yang sifatnya given.Sebagai halnya keragaman dalam bahasa, suka dan budaya.Hal ini diakui oleh Al-Quran secara jelas.Untuk itu,Al-Quran telah memberikan petunjuk kepada umatnyadalam menyikapi keragaman beragama dalam wujud dua sikap yang jelas dantegas

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    Last time updated on 16/11/2017