
Sistem Pengendalian, Pengelolaan Dan Pencatatan Barang Milik Daerah Pada Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Rokan Hulu


The purpose ofthis study was todetermine the conditionandobtaininformationand an explanation ofthe controlsystem, management mechanism, the recordingpropertyin thecountyHealth DepartmentRokanHulu. The objectof this research histheHealth DepartmentRokanHulu,Testing is doneby analyzing thecontrol system, record keepingandasset managementarea inRokanHuluDistrict Health Officethrough data collectionberubastudiesdocumentation, interviews anddirectobservationtothe study site The researchdesignused inthis studyis aqualitative research. This typeof researchis usedbecause researcherswant toobtaina comprehensive epicture ofthenatureanddepthof theManagementControl SystemandRegional PropertyRegistrationAtPublic Health ServiceRokanHulu. The study was basedon the theorythat supports-teorias the theoretical foundationfor analyzingdata in the fieldby matchingbetweenempiricalrealitywiththe prevailing theoryin order to getthe desired resultsof this study. The result showsthat thecontrol systemfor the managementandrecording of goodsbelongingto thelocalHealth DepartmentRokanHulurefersto theRegulation of the Ministerof Home Affairs Number17Year2007 regardingTechnicalguidelinesRegional PropertyManagement. Againstthe process of managingandrecordingpropertyin theareaRokanHuluDistrict Health Officeis notfully adequate, because they stillencounteredsomeproblems andweaknessesamongtheadmissions processstorage and distributionof goodsbelonging tothe area, theinventory process, as well as onthe process ofsecuringandmaintainingthegoods

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    Last time updated on 16/11/2017