
Pendugaan Umur Simpan Kentang Tumbuk Instan Berdasarkan Kurva Isotermi Sorpsi Air Dan Stabilitasnya Selama Penyimpanan


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar air kritis berdasarkan kurva sorpsi isotermi dan mengkaji stabilitasproduk kentang tumbuk instan selama penyimpanan, serta menduga umur simpannya. Penelitian dilaksanakan diLaboratorium Rekayasa Proses Pangan dan Pi lot Plan Pusat Studi Pangan dan Gizi, Institut Pertanian Bogor dariFebruari – Sep tem ber 2002. Bahan yang digunakan adalah kentang varietas atlantik. Penelitian terdiri dari dua tahap,yaitu kadar air kesetimbangan dan pendugaan umur simpan kentang tumbuk instan. Penelitian tahap pertama adalahpenentuan kadar air kesetimbangan kentang tumbuk instan secara absorbsi menggunakan 21 jenis larutan garamjenuh. Penelitian tahap kedua meliputi perlakuan kemasan PET 12/Aluvo 7/LLDPE 40, PET 12/LLDPE 25, danHDPE. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemasan PET 12/Aluvo 7/LLDPE 40 memberikan umur simpan pal -ing lama (209 hari) berdasarkan Perubahan kadar air maupun nilai asam barbiturat, dengan nilai kadar air 10,43% bkdan nilai asam thiobarbiturat 1,072 mg/kg untuk sampel pada 8 minggu penyimpanan.AB STRACT. Histifarina, D. 2004. Pre dict ing the self life of mashed po tato in stant based on sorp tion iso thermscurve and its sta bil ity dur ing stor age. The ob jec tive of this re search was to know the crit i cal mois ture con tent basedon sorp tion iso therms curve and to study of mashed po tato in stant sta bil ity dur ing stor age and its selflife pre dic tion.The ex per i ment was con ducted at Lab o ra tory Rekayasa Food Pro cess and Pi lot Plan PSPG IPB from Feb ru ary un tilSep tem ber 2002. At lan tic va ri ety was used on these ex per i ment. The ex per i ment con sists of two steps i.e mois turecon tent equi lib rium of mashed po tato in stant and pre dict ing the selflife of pack aged mashed po tato in stant. The firststage was found out mois ture equi lib rium by ab sorp tion method us ing 21 kinds of salt sat u rated so lu tion. The sec ondex per i ment was com par ing of three type of pack ages those were PET 12/Aluvo 7/LLDPE 40, PET 12/LLDPE 25, andHDPE. The re sult showed that the pack age of PET 12/Aluvo 7/LLDPE 40 gives the lon ger selflife (209 days) based onchange of mois ture con tent and thiobarbiturat acid value with mois ture con tent value was 10.435% db andthiobarbiturat acid value was 1.072 mg/kg sam ple dur ing 8 weeks of stor age

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    Last time updated on 16/11/2017