
Regolith Volatile Characterization (RVC) in RESOLVE


Resource investigation in the lunar poles is of importance to the potential impact of in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). The RESOLVE project developed a payload to investigate the permanently shadowed areas of the lunar poles and demonstrate ISRU technology. As a part of the RESOLVE project, the regolith volatile characterization (RVC) subsystem was designed to examine the release of volatiles from sample cores. The test sample was heated in the reactor to release the volatiles where they were analyzed with gas chromatography. Subsequently, the volatile sample was introduced into the lunar water resource demonstration (LWRD) subsystem where the released hydrogen and water were selectively captured. The objective of the Regolith Volatile Characterization (RVC) subsystem was to heat the crushed core sample and determine the desorption of volatile species of interest. The RVC subsystem encompasses the reactor and the system for volatile analysis. The system was designed to analyze H2, He, CO, CO2, N2, 02, CH4, H2S and H2O. The GC chosen for this work is a Siemens MicroSAM process GC with 3 columns and 8 TCD detectors. Neon was chosen as the carrier gas to enhance the analysis of hydrogen and helium.The limit of detection for the gases is approx.1000ppm for H2, CO. CO2 , N2, O2 and H2 S. The limit of detection for CH4 is approx.4000ppm and the water limit of detection is -10000 ppm with a sample analysis time of 2-3 minutes. These values (with the exception of water and H2S) were determined by dilution of a six gas mixture from Scott Gas (5% CO2, CO, O2, N2, 4% CH4 and H2) using mass flow controllers (MFC5). Water was calibrated at low levels using an in house relative humidity (RH) generator. H 2S and high concentrations of H2 were calibrated by diluting a pure stream of gas with MFCs. Higher concentrations of N2 and 02 were calibrated using Air again diluting with MFCs. There were three modification goals for the GC in EBU2 that would allow this process GC to be used in the field demo for RESOLVE. The first modification was to decrease the weight associated with the GC, this included eliminating the explosion proof case (Figure 1) and replacing it with a lightweight case as well as using an on board COPV tank for the neon carrier gas. The next goal was to add a second oven for the molecular sieve column to allow for dual temperature control during GC operation; the separation of hydrogen and helium is optimum at lower temperatures while the water analysis required higher temperatures creating a competing design requirement. The second oven also allows a lower limit of detection for water quantification and avoids the possibility of water condensing in the GC which could ruin the column characteristics. The final goal was to modify the column arrangement to optimize the system for our specific application. Figure 2 shows the internal details of the module optimized optimized for our field application. The modifications and performance of the gas analysis system will be discussed in detail

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