
Asteroidal Space Weathering: The Major Role of FeS


Space weathering (SW) effects on the lunar surface are reasonably well-understood from sample analyses, remote-sensing data, and experiments, yet our knowledge of asteroidal SW effects are far less constrained. While the same SW processes are operating on asteroids and the Moon, namely solar wind irradiation, impact vaporization and condensation, and impact melting, their relative rates and efficiencies are poorly known, as are their effects on such vastly different parent materials. Asteroidal SW models based on remote-sensing data and experiments are in wide disagreement over the dominant mechanisms involved and their kinetics. Lunar space weathering effects observed in UVVIS-NIR spectra result from surface- and volume-correlated nanophase Fe metal (npFe(sup 0)) particles. In the lunar case, it is the tiny vapor-deposited npFe(sup 0) that provides much of the spectral reddening, while the coarser (largely melt-derived) npFe(sup 0) produce lowered albedos. Nanophase FeS (npFeS) particles are expected to modify reflectance spectra in much the same way as npFe(sup 0) particles. Here we report the results of experiments designed to explore the efficiency of npFeS production via the main space weathering processes operating in the asteroid belt

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