
A study of the professional socialisation of student teachers in a college of education


This longitudinal study examines the professional socialisation of a group of students during their three years in a College of Education. A specially constructed stole Definition Instrument was used, toeother with other questionnaires, to probe the nature of students* teacher role conceptions at certain points durine the course. The focus of the study upon the students' interpretation of their experience entailed the extensive iniearviewing of a saeple of students in each of te nine tares. The investigation attempts to remedy deficiencies of previous 1..itish studies by developin: a theoretical framework to analyse the process of processional socialisation and to take account of the institutional setting in which this process occurs. An extensive study of the cones.° as a social system was therefore undertaken examining its formal and informal structures and processes. anal:Isis of selection procedures, the college course, and the zewardiee and eeectioniee eeate, a pervading and consistent set of valves was identified. ehese institutional characteristics are shown to be of muce importance in affecting students' responses to their college experience. Ihe students develop group peespectives during the course which are related to the institutional setting and which involve a significant shift in reference groups. Periods of school practice and the early part of the course ere shown to be of great importance in ellapine these perspectives. There is some redefinition of professional attitudes; c prccecs only partially reflected in eoee liberal responses to questionnaire items. Such changes are interpreted as evidence of increasing professionalism. A pilot study of school practice showed it affecting attitude scores, but recorded no significant relationships between observed classroom behaviour and such scores. School placing appears to influence both attitude scores and tutors* assessments of performance. Students and tutors place different emphases upon students* professional needs; the students generally favour role socialisation, but tutors view the course as a process of status socialisation

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