Implications of quality management in the Greek construction industry


Quality is about adding value to the construction process. By applying quality management as a means to improve current project management performance, it is envisaged that each firm will be able to contribute more effectively to the value adding process in the construction supply chain, with the ultimate goal of satisfying the customer. A broad range of integrated quality-focused strategies which include supply chain and customer focus, top management commitment and leadership, training and education of staff from every organisational level at each construction phase, teamwork and collaboration among all project participants throughout a quality-focused supply chain, client's quality awareness and proactive quality management and the appropriate form of contract chosen will enable the successful implementation of quality management systems in the construction industry. A survey was conducted based on interviews with a sample of professionals involved in the design and construction phases of projects to identify the steps taken by firms within the Greek construction sector to ensure quality during project procurement Amongst others the findings show that, although some initial steps have already been taken, there is still great potential for quality improvements in the Greek construction industry. Keywords: Quality, quality management, quality management system, ISO 9000, TQM

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