
Upsetting the offset : the political economy of carbon markets


xix, 363 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.Libro ElectrónicoUpsetting the Offset engages critically with the political economy of carbon markets. It presents a range of case studies and critiques from around the world, showing how the scam of carbon markets affects the lives of communities. But the book doesn’t stop there. It also presents a number of alternatives to carbon markets which enable communities to live in real low-carbon futures. ‘If you wondered whether capitalism could ever produce the perfect weapon of its own destruction, try this heady mix of carbon fuels, the trade in financial derivatives, and more than a dash of neo-colonialism, and boom! But this book is far from resigned to that fate. After examining the case against carbon trading… the book turns to alternatives, to hope, to sanity, and to the future.’ Professor Stefano Harney, Queen Mary, University of London, UKAlterar el desplazamiento involucra crítico con la política económica de los mercados de carbón. Se presenta una serie de estudios de caso y las críticas de todo el mundo, mostrando cómo la estafa de los mercados de carbono afecta a la vida de las comunidades. Pero el libro no se detiene allí. También presenta una serie de alternativas a los mercados de carbono que permitan a las comunidades a vivir en tiempo real de baja emisiones de carbono. "Si te has preguntado alguna vez si el capitalismo puede producir el arma perfecta de su propia destrucción, prueba esta embriagadora mezcla de combustibles de carbono, el comercio de los derivados financieros, y más de un toque de neo-colonialismo, y ¡bum! Pero este libro está muy lejos de resignarse a ese destino. Después de examinar el caso contra el comercio de carbono ... el libro se convierte en alternativas, a la esperanza, a la cordura, y para el futuro.Contributors xi Acknowledgments xix FOREWORDS The Business of Carbon is Different 1 Offsets Under Kyoto: A Dirty Deal for the South 2 Carbon Markets: A Fatal Illusion 5 INTRODUCTION 1 Upsetting the Offset: An Introduction 9 2 Neoliberalism and the Calculable World: The Rise of Carbon Trading 25 CASES 3 Double Jeopardy: Pursuing the Path of Carbon Offsets and Human Rights Abuses 41 4 How Sustainable are Small-Scale Biomass Factories? A Case Study from Thailand 57 5 Politics of Methane Abatement and CDM Projects based on Industrial Swine Production in Chile 72 6 Paying the Polluter? The Relegation of Local Community Concerns in ‘Carbon Credit’ Proposals of Oil Corporations in Nigeria 86 7 Carbon Sink Plantation in Uganda: Evicting People for Making Space for Trees 98 8 Tree Plantations, Climate Change and Women 102 9 Shall We Still Keep Our Eyes Cerrados? 112 10 Clean Conscience Mechanism: A Case from Uruguay 119 11 India’s ‘Clean Development’ 129 12 Where is Climate Justice in India’s First CDM Project? 138 13 The Jindal CDM Projects in Karnataka 148 14 The MSPL Wind Power CDM Project 153 15 The Deogad Hydroelectric CDM Project 159 16 Offsetting Lives and Livelihoods: Atmospheric Brown Cloud and the Targeting of Asia’s Rural Poor 163 CRITIQUES 17 Regulation as Corruption in the Carbon Offset Markets 175 18 The Politics of the Clean Development Mechanism: Hiding Capitalism Under the Green Rug 192 19 Rent Seeking and Corporate Lobbying in Climate Negotiations 203 20 Forests, Carbon Markets and Hot Air: Why the Carbon Stored in Forests Should not be Traded 214 21 Hegemony and Climate Justice: A Critical Analysis 230 22 Resistance Makes Carbon Markets 244 23 Green Capitalism, and the Cultural Poverty of Constructing Nature as Service Provider 255 ALTERNATIVES 24 Repaying Africa for Climate Crisis: ‘Ecological Debt’ as a Development Finance Alternative to Emissions Trading 275 25 Rethinking the Legal Regime for Climate Change: The Human Rights and Equity Imperative 292 26 Low Impact Development 307 27 Planning for Permaculture? Land-Use Planning, Sustainable Development, and ‘Ecosystem People’ 317 28 Cycles of Sustainability: From Automobility to Bicycology 322 29 Towards the Sustainable School: Social Accounts and Local Solutions 334 30 Inspiring Examples: Sustainable Living 345 AFTERWORDS On the Road to Copenhagen: Urgent Action is Required 357 Time to Breathe 36

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