
Noise from a Jet Discharging Into a Duct and Its Suppression


The present study addresses unwanted high intensity noise sometimes encountered in engine test facilities. A simplified model-scale experiment is conducted for a circular jet discharging into a cylindrical duct. For the given configuration the unwanted noise is found to be primarily due to the duct resonance modes excited by the jet. When the "preferred mode". frequency of the jet matches a duct resonant frequency there can be a locked-in "super resonance". accompanied by a high intensity tone. However, even in the absence of a locked-in resonance, high levels of unwanted noise may occur due to the duct modes excited simply by broadband disturbances of the jet. Various methods for suppression of the noise are explored. Tabs placed on the ends of the duct are found ineffective; so are longitudinal fins placed inside the duct. A rod inserted perpendicular to the flow at different axial locations is also found ineffective; however, when there is a super resonance it is effective in suppressing the tone. By far the best suppression is achieved by a wire-mesh screen placed at the downstream end of the duct; placing it on the upstream end also works, however, there is some penalty at high frequencies due to impingement noise. The screen not only eliminates any super resonance but also the duct mode spectral peaks in the absence of such resonance. Apparently it works by dampening the velocity fluctuations at the pressure node and thereby weakening the resonance condition, for the simplified configuration under consideration

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