
Policies and Procedures for Accessing Archived NASA Lunar Data via the Web


The National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) was established by NASA to provide for the preservation and dissemination of scientific data from NASA missions. This paper describes the policies specifically related to lunar science data. NSSDC presently archives 660 lunar data collections. Most of these data (423 units) are stored offline in analog format. The remainder of this collection consists of magnetic tapes and discs containing approximately 1.7 TB of digital lunar data. The active archive for NASA lunar data is the Planetary Data System (PDS). NSSDC has an agreement with the PDS Lunar Data Node to assist in the restoration and preparation of NSSDC-resident lunar data upon request for access and distribution via the PDS archival system. Though much of NSSDC's digital store also resides in PDS, NSSDC has many analog data collections and some digital lunar data sets that are not in PDS. NSSDC stands ready to make these archived lunar data accessible to both the research community and the general public upon request as resources allow. Newly requested offline lunar data are digitized and moved to near-line storage devices called digital linear tape jukeboxes. The data are then packaged and made network-accessible via FTP for the convenience of a growing segment of the user community. This publication will 1) discuss the NSSDC processes and policies that govern how NASA lunar data is preserved, restored, and made accessible via the web and 2) highlight examples of special lunar data requests

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