Common Data Format (CDF) and Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb)


The Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) <> data browsing system provides plotting, listing and open access v ia FTP, HTTP, and web services (REST, SOAP, OPeNDAP) for data from mo st NASA Heliophysics missions and is heavily used by the community. C ombining data from many instruments and missions enables broad resear ch analysis and correlation and coordination with other experiments a nd missions. Crucial to its effectiveness is the use of a standard se lf-describing data format, in this case, the Common Data Format (CDF) <>, also developed at the Space Physics Data facility <> , and the use of metadata standa rds (easily edited with SKTeditor <>). CDAweb is based on a set of IDL routines, CDAWlib <http://spd>. . The CDF project also maintains soft ware and services for translating between many standard formats (CDF. netCDF, HDF, FITS, XML) <!<>

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