
The Use of Meteorlogical Data to Improve Contrail Detection in Thermal Imagery over Ireland.


Aircraft induced contrails have been found to have a net warming influence on the climate system, with strong regional dependence. Persistent linear contrails are detectable in 1 Km thermal imagery and, using an automated Contrail Detection Algorithm (CDA), can be identified on the basis of their different properties at the 11 and 12 m w av.el enTgthshe algorithm s ability to distinguish contrails from other linear features depends on the sensitivity of its tuning parameters. In order to keep the number of false identifications low, the algorithm imposes strict limits on contrail size, linearity and intensity. This paper investigates whether including additional information (i.e. meteorological data) within the CDA may allow for these criteria to be less rigorous, thus increasing the contrail-detection rate, without increasing the false alarm rate

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