The Czech Environmental Inspectorate


This thesis aims to introduce the Czech Environmental Inspectorate as a specialized body of the state administration with a state-wide authority which is subordinated to the Ministry of the Environment. The objective of the Inspectorate is particularly to exercise state supervision connected with enforcement of corrective actions and sanctions. The Czech Environmental Inspection was established in 1991 with its original competence in a field of forest protection, as of today it has competences with respect to all environmental components. The merit of this thesis is an analysis of statutory regulations regarding the protection of the environment according to which the Inspectorate exercises its competences and authority. The result of this analysis is definition of the competences of the Inspectorate in individual fields of environment protection. In the thesis I also focus on problematic provisions of particular legal regulations and in final chapter I address also a possibility of reorganisation of the Inspectorate in the future

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