
The Incredible Diversity of Fe-bearing Phases at Gusev Crater, Mars, According to the Mars Exploration Rover Moessbauer Spectrometer


The Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Spirit landed on the plains of Gusev Crater on 4 January 2004. One primary scientific objective for the mission is to characterize the mineralogical and elemental composition of surface materials, searching for evidence of water and clues for assessing past and current climates and their suitability for life [1]. The role of the Moessbauer (MB) spectrometer on Spirit is to provide quantitative information about the distribution of Fe among its oxidation and coordination states, identification of Fe-bearing phases, and relative distribution of Fe among those phases. The speciation and distribution of Fe in Martian rock and soil constrains the primary rock types, redox conditions under which primary minerals crystallized, the extent of alteration and weathering, the type of alteration and weathering products, and the processes and environmental conditions for alteration and weathering. In this abstract, we discuss the incredible diversity of Fe-bearing phases detected by Spirit s MB instrument during its first 540 sols of exploration at Gusev crater [2,3]

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