
Impact of Azimuthally Controlled Fluidic Chevrons on Jet Noise


The impact of azimuthally controlled air injection on broadband shock noise and mixing noise for single and dual stream jets was investigated. The single stream experiments focused on noise reduction for low supersonic jet exhausts. Dual stream experiments included high subsonic core and fan conditions and supersonic fan conditions with transonic core conditions. For the dual stream experiments, air was injected into the core stream. Significant reductions in broadband shock noise were achieved in a single jet with an injection mass flow equal to 1.2% of the core mass flow. Injection near the pylon produced greater broadband shock noise reductions than injection at other locations around the nozzle periphery. Air injection into the core stream did not result in broadband shock noise reduction in dual stream jets. Fluidic injection resulted in some mixing noise reductions for both the single and dual stream jets. For subsonic fan and core conditions, the lowest noise levels were obtained when injecting on the side of the nozzle closest to the microphone axis

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