
The Role of CO2 in Aqueous Alteration of Ultra-Mafic Rocks and the Formation of MF-,FE-Rich Aqueous Solutons on Early Mars


An adequate understanding of water on Mars that moves beyond the simplistic "warmwet" vs. "cold-dry" dichotomy must include strong constraints on the variables: water/rock ratio, time, temperature, and chemical composition. By constraining these variables first on local, then regional and global scales we will be capable of precisely targeting landed missions to definitively understand the history of water on Mars and the possible existence of life. Data from remote sensing of Mars, landed missions, and martian meteorites indicate that secondary minerals formed from aqueous fluids on Mars are predominately Fe- and Mg-rich. The unique Mg-, Fe-rich carbonates in the ALH 84001 meteorite provide an excellent opportunity to provide strong constraints on an Fe-, Mg-rich aqueous system on early Mars. This work seeks to use the unusual chemical compositions of the ALH 84001 carbonates as a constraint for the composition of their formation fluid. These constraints can be used to better understand aqueous processes at a critical time in martian history

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