Behavioral disturbances according to ICD-10 at pupils of elementary school and special elementary school


The goal of the bachelor thesis is to map the occurrence of behavioural disorders in the base of pupils in special elementary schools and in standard elementary schools, in the same time. The guiding document for this thesis is the International Classification of Diseases, rev. 10 (ICD-10), supplemented within particular diagnoses by specific case history of school practice. There is a brief historical overview of the ICD's development and its current form followed by successively given various diagnoses of behavioural disorders together with a brief description of diagnosis, symptoms and procedures to address or treat these disorders in the thesis. The bachelor's thesis is focused to individual case histories, then. In the context of reported cases, the manifestations or solutions of rate of problems are outlined within school pupils as they occur in common practice of elementary schools. Comparison of theoretical and practical part brings new and interesting information, in this context

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