
Numerical Investigation of Plasma Flows in Magnetic Nozzles


Magnetic nozzles are used in many laboratory experiments in which plasma flows are to be confined, cooled. accelerated, or directed. At present, however, there is no generally accepted theoretical description that explains the phenomena of plasma detachment from an externally-imposed magnetic field. This is an important problem in the field of plasma propulsion, where the ionized gas must detach from the applied, solenoidal magnetic field to realize thrust production. In this paper we simulate a plasma flowing in the presence of an applied magnetic field using a multidimensional numerical simulation tool that includes theoretical models of the various dispersive and dissipative processes present in the plasma. This is an extension of the simulation tool employed in previous work by Sankaran et al. The new tool employs the same formulation of the governing equation set. but retains the axial and radial components of magnetic field and the azimuthal component of velocity that were neglected in other works. We aim to compare the computational results with the various proposed magnetic nozzle detachment theories to develop an understanding of the physical mechanisms that cause detachment. An applied magnetic field topology is obtained using a magnetostatic field solver and this field is superimposed on the time-dependent magnetic field induced in the plasma to provide a self-consistent field description. The applied magnetic field and model geometry match those found in experiments by Kurtki and Okada. We model this geometry because there ts a substantial amount of experimental data that can be compared to our computations, allowing for validation of the model. In addition, comparison of the simulation results with the experimentally obtained plasma parameters will provide insight into the mechanisms that lead to plasma detachment, revealing how the 3 scale with different input parameters

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